Our Adventure Begins.....

Our Adventure Begins....
Yesterday I felt the rumbles for the first time.
 It faintly reminds me of your stomach when your hungry. You know you haven't eaten in a while but only when your stomach begins to rumble do you start thinking about when your next meal is and that you want that food you smell from across the room! All the foods are heightened and you notice it everywhere and you want it! That is how I am feeling right now!
 I'm hungry for God's purpose and the next adventure. Phil and I have been planning on visiting his sister for a while even before we had got married. She, her husband, and our 4 nieces and 1 nephew are missionaries over in Asia. However, it wasn't until 4 months ago did we decide to visit and 3 months ago did we decide to actually move over there! Crazy I know! Just to say, "Hey, why not just move there!" The confirmation was the peace we had right as we said it. It was as if God said yes and washed His Spirit through us and it settled.  

God tells us "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6)

I am graduating the University I attend and that has been the only thing that has held us here where we live. My husband and I have been wrestling with the thoughts of what to do next. Where does God want us and what does He want for our lives. We have certifications and degrees but no direction. We don't want to fall into the ways of the world with the burdens of a secure life. We don't want to fall in love with the easy path of living but to live doing something in His purpose. We want to walk that narrow path God calls for us all who love Him. So we have prayed and now God has answered our prayers and hearts. 

"So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has (give up all his possessions) cannot be my disciple."
(Luke 14:33)
Yesterday when the rumbling began, Phil and I awoke early from our slumber to sell most all of our belongings. We had a yard sale (or as Phil calls it a "rummage" sale). It went awesome. We were so blessed to sell so many of our things. God tells us to let go of the burdens and come to Him with empty hands so that we can pick up the cross and follow Him. It has been great to see a simple living house. We are having company soon so we kept a few 
                                                      things for comfort but even with what we have it's nice to have less.

The rumbling continued last night when we actually sat down and BOUGHT our plane tickets! YAY! We set the Date in mid August! It is exciting to watch everything fall in place with no more effort than following the Lord. Trust in Him and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).



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