Day 43

Day 43
(October 5, 2012)
Minority Village

For a week or so, Phil and I had the pleasure to play tour guide for a professor and his son that traveled into town. He taught at Josh's organization and brought his son to experience this part of Asia with him. Phil and I thought it was awesome to discover just how much we have learned in the last month and a half. The professor and his son remarked how amazing it was that we knew what words to say or what to do. We are normally around others who have far more experience living here than we do so it's nice to feel like we were the experienced ones for once. haha. 
I was finally able to find a time to pull out my Nikon camera and have fun capturing some beautiful shots. We usually use Phil's mini camera so not to lose, damage, or carry mine around. 
So here are some of the shots I got.

A Tibetan Buddhist Temple

We got to see practicing monks there.

We found this beautiful looking tree. I wonder what it is called.
Look at those colors!

Adult Swings! I was too busy laughing to realize I should take a picture of this older man give it ago.

What does this say?
A church? Can you believe it! There is a people group that is allowed to be Believers.

Beautiful view!
The reflection in the water.. I rotated it around. It looks just like the view! 

Phil and this guy really hit it off. Phil said if we move here permanently were going to live with this group of people in their villages in the Mountains. NOTE: I just found out that the Peace sign made with his hands is actually a "V" for victory of the communist....Crazy! Here I thought everyone just threw the peace signs all the time for fun in pictures.

Like this dude above off I go.
I hope you enjoyed some of the pictures. Phil is writing a post next with more pictures of the Minority village and some other stories he has to share! 

Love and Miss you All! 

To His Glory!


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