Day 5

Day 5:
Today was a beautiful and full-full day. It began at....

4:30 am
I awoke wide awake about 4:30 am this morning. It is becoming a norm for us to be up so early. I grabbed the lamp and pulled the curtains over my window bench and had some much needed God time. Reading todays devotional reminded me that spending time with God can brighten up even the dullest days and bring peace and joy into every moment regardless of the circumstance. In the path we have chosen right now, each moment is uncertain and confusing. We don't understand the language, the cultures, the direction God has for us, and much more. But today I was reminded that,  "Even the most confusing day opens up before you as you go step by step with Me. My Presence goes with you where ever you go, providing Light for you Path." - Sarah Young (Jesus Calling) 

View from our window this morning! It was such a beautiful clear cool day.
You can actually see some of the mountains around the city today. 

5:00 am
Phil woke up, so I was able to Skype my dad. I caught him before he went to Soccer. He showed me his battle scares between him and my sweet kitty, Edward.  Edward apparently is not faring very well with us away but he is easily distracted with all the dogs and our other cat. However, he has never been fond of my dad. Haha. 

6:45 am
 I joined Linds and her friend Karis for a run. It was the second time we had ran together so I was excited yet dreading what was to come. It is fast paced 4.5 mile run around in the middle of the city dodging mo-peds, bikes, buses, people, dog, cars, construction, garbage, and gross smells. 

8:00 am
Phil, Linds, the kids, Josh and I all were able to skype Nat and Tim. It was soo good seeing those guys. It was fun to have everyone climbing into the camera view one by one. After we were able to Skype, Rick and Rae (Phil's parents). Its been so much fun skyping everyone from so far. It is amazing what God allows us to do now days with technology. 

9:00 am
I was finally able to Skype with my mom. It was soo good to get to spend time to see her. We have been missing calls due to the 12 hour time difference. Phil and I were just able to get internet on our computer and ipad recently so we didn't have to use Josh and Linds'. 

10:00 am
Phil and I had our first Mo-ped ride together. We drove to pick up our pictures from this side walk photography store (literally a whole in the wall). Then visited Dassah's preschool. She goes to a preschool that is ran by two women from New Zealand. Its neat because the children are American, Canadian, and Asian. 

Just Riding Along

Riding behind Phil

Our apartment buildings

11:00 am 
Phil and I took our first official trip on the mo-ped together.
We drove to Josh's office which is quite an adventure if you knew what the traffic is like here. 

Our bike outside of the office

Phil and I 


Then there is the beautiful clean swatting toilet I had to use. The Joy of Living Abroad

12:00 pm 
We had an awesome meeting with two Asian men who run a high school today. It was really neat because the bought us lunch and presented a job for us. Josh was soo amazing. He can fluently speak the language so he translated most of the conversation for us.  Both Asian men are strong believers but run a public school and want christian teachers to build relationships and influence the students. We already have jobs lined up teaching 8 year olds English and start this Saturday (soo soon!) so we told them that we couldn't commit to a full-time teaching job but asked if they has something else for us. Only through God did we come up with a job that is no contract, 100 yuan/ hr ($15/hr) to just hang out with the kids two days a week durning their free time in School. We will help with homework, talk, play games, eat an afternoon meal with them, etc. It sounds perfect. I really hope God uses us in these Children's lives. 

I waited until everyone left then snapped a picture of our table. [Spicy bean (phil loves), chicken and veg., tofu and peppers, meat on a stick, rice, hash brown type potato, spicy egg role, beans and fried goat cheese, seeds, and some kind of flower soup. Most of it was amazing. However, I've found that spicy is not my cup of tea. 

I really liked all the shoppes on this street but pretty expensive. 

Awesome Bookstore I found on a side street. 
SIDE NOTE: I heard Taylor Swift at least 3 times walking down the street and Adel once today.
 It was so exciting to get to sing every word as we passed by. Haha. 

3:00 pm 
We came home a few minutes to rest then off again to register our selves. We had to drive to the police station to register where we live. 

Josh leading the way

Josh leading the way while talking on a cell phone 

I snapped a shot while riding. (Don't worry Phil was driving.) 

Headed up a big hill

Josh helping us up the big hill but using his bike to push ours.

The hill again. lol 

At the police station, we ran into two more foreigner. One josh knew from Peru but the other was a girl around my age who was from Germany. She lives in the same apartments and we do so hopefully we'll run into each other sometime soon. 

Well... besides dinner, playing with the kids, Phil working out with Josh and me working on the class I'm teaching Saturday nothing too exciting else happened. Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures. Hope to put more up soon. Everyday there is something crazy and new. For example: Right now at 8pm I'm watching about 50 or more older women dance a choreographed dance sequence in the street from outside my window. I wish I had their energy right now.. haha. 

Thank you for all the prayers. Love and Miss everyone! 

Good Night! 


  1. You got to use the toilet in the office?! That picture looks familiar!!


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